Monday, August 30, 2010

For You

I took a walk today and snapped a few shots at the request of a friend. I'll share them with you. While looking at the below pictures I strongly urge you to listen to Lee Ann Womack's "I Hope You Dance" (Look it up on YouTube.). It came up on my iPod while I was walking and it really matched my tone. And just my life in general right now. I may not be a huge country fan anymore, but this song will always mean a lot to me.

Without further ado:

The Address

Small Towns...

My Nana and Papa raised six kids in that house and it wasn't nearly as big. It's right down the street from where I'm living.

Just one of the about three vineyards along the road

Kids sit in these during the winter to wait for their bus.

The last few pictures are from the cemetery at the bottom of the hill. It was quite peaceful there. I plan to return during fall.

This is for my Nana and Papa. My Papa passed before I was born, but my Nana's still just as tenacious as ever.

I really wish I could've gotten to know you Papa.

I couldn't believe I found my Nana and Papa's. I was about to leave and I just stumbled upon it. I tried to find my Grandma. I know she is there but I couldn't find her and I don't want help. I could easily ask many people to direct me to her but I'll find her myself in time. 

So this is it. I wish I could have truly captured the beauty of this place. Because honestly, these pictures look like radioactive waste (tried to think of something better, but that's the ugliest nature thing I could think of...sorry) compared to the real thing. There are just some things you have to see with your own eyes...or capture with a really expensive camera. Either way, my three year old camera is far from professional so for now these will have to do.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Master Plan: huh?

Dear you,

Things have changed yet again. I know... I decided (with a little push from my Dad) to go to the last registration day for ECC. I was not full of hope, but rather womanly hormones that made me a danger to the public.

What the head of the Culinary Department must have seen on my face, I can't imagine. But it was enough for him to pull a few proverbial strings and get me in. That's correct, you heard me right. He got me registered for classes. This could not have been an easy task since apparently the program has been filled up since April. That would have been nice to know back in, you know, APRIL. But oh well. No use crying over it now.

So I was given a week to get everything prepared for classes (things that take weeks usually). It's not that I can't get it done, just that at a normal human pace it would take much longer. So...with Linda (my personal savior right now) and my big ECC envelope I've been carrying around for months I made my way back today and got my books, went to the Financial Aid office, got my ID and parking pass and other fun things of the sort-all before 10:30 AM!

I start on Monday and I am excited. How could I not be? This is what I've wanted all along. True, I wish all this had been squared away a while ago. Then I'd be really excited. But, again I say, oh well. In the end, I'm going to school like I wanted, I have a job like I needed, and I'm in New York which is something I've wished for for a long time. How could I not be satisfied-getting everything I wanted?

For now, I'm taking deep breaths and trying to focus on things like what I'm going to wear on the first day and if I should bring my backpack or a purse (I'm opting for my backpack). It's easier to think about those trivial decisions than to think that in five mere days I'll begin the training for the career that I will have for the rest of my life.

That's a long time. Good thing I really like what I'm going to be doing.

In the end I stick by what I have said many times recently. Everything happens for a reason. Most times, hindsight is 20/20. Usually I can look back and say, "Oh...that's why that happened. Because if I got that job I never would have found this job." This situation is a little tougher. As of now, I can't see why it was such a struggle to get registered. I just don't know what that helped. But it must have served a purpose. And hopefully someday I will see it and say, "Okay, now I understand."

Wishing you a happy journey in whatever you do.

Sincerely, me

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Art: in the most unlikely places

Dear you,

Today, as I was eating dinner on the back porch overlooking a well-tended lawn and surrounding forest I noticed something I hadn't before. An art form. It was sometimes graceful, sometimes chaotic. What was it?

Corn. On the cob, specifically. And not just the corn, it was the eating of the corn. I never realized before how specific a routine can be. My aunt ate her corn in sweeping rows, leaving perfect right angles in her path. My uncle, however, bit furiously at the corn. Munching, chewing, ravaging it (it wasn't gross, like I'm making it sound; promise), leaving a muddled cob left wondering what had just happened.

Me, you ask? Surely I  must have some fiercely descriptive way to describe how I eat my corn. Well, the truth is...I don't really. If I had to try though I would say I'm more of just a messy, kind-of-in-rows, leaving-half-the-corn-behind kind of girl (and the other half is in my teeth).

I can't honestly explain why I thought this post up. It really just started coming to me. One of those weird "writer moment"'s I suppose.

Oh and I thought of the perfect way to avoid saying you assume (something you should never do). Just say you presume. Yes, the same meaning, but with no clever English tricks to go along with it.

Alright, that is all for now.

Goodnight, all.

Sincerely, me

Monday, August 16, 2010

I Am Woman: hear me roar

Dear you,

I must say, this whole ordeal has made me feel so strong. Even leaning on my family like I am I can't help but feel, for lack of a better term, awesome. No, I'm not happy all the time. But inside I just feel like I can do anything. If I've made it this far I can't fail.

With this in mind I'm thinking about starting a little project. I'm toying around with the idea of going vegetarian for one month. Now, depending on how well you know me you might know just how much I enjoy meat. Roast beef sandwiches, steak, chicken...Imagine Homer Simpson groveling with drool seeping from his mouth because that's how I feel right now.

But in the last few weeks it has become apparent that I have, in fact, gained a weeeeee bit of weight. Don't freak out everybody! I'm not calling myself obese and contemplating anorexia. I enjoy food far too much. I am, however, thinking that if I could try the vegetarian thing out for a month I could 1) lose a little weight/get into the habit of eating veggies regularly and 2) prove to myself that I can do it.

I'm thinking about starting September 1st which should give me enough time to eat all the meat I have in the house and maybe stop at Subway a few more times and get their roast beef on honey oat (Oh how I'll miss you...). And maybe, just maybe, I'll actually save some money on groceries if I don't have to buy meat.

Just a thought rolling around in my brain and decided to share it with you.

Well, for now I think I'll head to bed and hopefully avoid any killer spiders. Eek.

Good night, all.

Sincerely, me

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Becoming An Adult: I can.

Dear you,

More has changed. I've already informed you of my lack of college this year. I decided to not even try with ECC anymore. Although I doubt I could have gone this semester even if I wanted to. So, for now, I'll work.

I got a job at a pub here in town. I'll be the hostess every Friday and Saturday and then do prep Monday through Wednesday. It seems pretty fun so far. Oh, and I got the job at Wet Seal. I beat out everyone I was up against and was given the position. Unfortunately, I was unable to take it because of the pub job. The hours conflicted. But I can take with me the immense satisfaction that I was given the job and no one else.

So, that being said, I'm good. I have one job and prospects for others. I even have other prospects for schools.

On a slightly sadder note, my mom has gone back to Florida. She was given a job and she took it. I'm proud of her. The things that she has done in the last month will undoubtedly make her a stronger woman, even if she can't see it now. this means I'm now living alone. I have always told myself I did not want to live alone. I'm still not completely sure how I feel about it. I think I'll never be sure while I'm here because I'm not really alone. Yes, I am the only one living in the apartment. But, my great aunt and uncle are right upstairs in their house. I've already been invited to a bbq with my Uncle Mike today. I have dinner plans for a few nights this week with him and his mother in law (who loves to cook). I just can't truly feel alone while I have so many people ready to make me feel in the middle of everything.

Yesterday, when she left I of course sat around and sobbed to my hearts content. After about ten minutes of this I got a tissue, wiped my eyes and was done with it. Not that I'm done missing my mom (that will likely never happen, as with all my family in Florida) but I got over the self pity. I'm a big girl and this is my time.

I started organizing. If you give me a space and some junk I'll organize it. Guaranteed. I set up my desk in the front room. I set up the counter next to the desk. I washed the dishes. I felt better. I think I might actually like having my own space.

Hell, maybe this is actually a good thing. Baby steps. Well, I guess moving 1300 miles isn't exactly a baby step. But in the sense that I'm living "alone" before I really live alone. This will let me get used to it so someday when I get an apartment of my own I won't be so blindsided.

As I've said before, I believe everything happens for a reason. I can't always tell the reasoning behind certain turns of events but I know there has to be one. The last month has cemented that into me. I'm on the path I should be, as my mom is on hers.

Oh and one more guru nonsensical comment (I've gotten very philosophical lately): nothing is as permanent as it seems. I can move back any time I want. My mom can move here any time she wants. Heck, tomorrow I could board a flight to Los Angeles (not that I'd ever want to live there). Who the hell cares? Nothing is permanent and this is my time to do whatever I want!

I will be okay. And I'll say that a thousand more times if I have to.

Sincerely, me

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Thursday, August 12, 2010

I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!

This post does not have a specific purpose. Well, now actually it does. This post is to show you how everything happens in cycles. If it happened once, it will happen again. This video is an audio excerpt from a movie made in the 70's. It's over thirty years old. Yet, the message is still the same. A lot has changed since then, but eventually it all comes full circle.

Other than that I just find it extremely inspirational and gets me all riled up to right a wrong or join a cause or some other form of good. Enjoy. And remember, don't ever be passive about something you think is wrong. Speak your mind and let your voice be heard.


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Control: didn't we already talk about this?

Dear you,

Plans have changed again. As I've already conceded, I know that I am not really the one calling the shots. And if you'll recall the post I pulled from another blog, it's only my reaction that I have some say in. What am I talking about, you ask?

I went to register for classes today. Since I'm a new student I had to do this and receive advisement at the college instead of online. I did as I was told and waited outside the room I was assigned to for Culinary Arts. Twenty minutes went by and no one had come to unlock the door. The other waiting people and I started to get a little confused so my mom went downstairs to figure things out.

She came back about five minutes later to tell me that all the culinary classes were full and no one would be coming for registration. Apparently they didn't think it was worth the effort to let anybody know, even though we could have been there all day waiting to talk to somebody.

I try to stay mature in my writing on here but I just have to say, "WTF ECC???" That is so unprofessional. But that's what the whole school is based on, isn't it? Disorganization and nonprofessionalism.

Instead of throwing a hissy fit at the nearest ECC employee I decided to go back to what I said before. I really do believe everything happens for a specific reason. It does. So if I don't go to school this semester or year, then so be it. I'll work, save up money and try it again next year.

And then I had an even better thought. While I was letting the fact sink in that ECC is run by untrained monkeys, I realized that I don't need to go there at all. A lot of pastry chefs get there start by dish washing or something of the like at bakeries and work their way up. I already have a solid base of knowledge in the area and I'm sure I would improve quickly once I was in the environment with more talented pastry chefs around.

I could work my butt off this year, establish New York State residency, and then go to SUNY Delhi next year just like I planned on. It wouldn't take any extra time, I would save a good chunk of money, and best of all I'd save myself from all the future panic attacks and headaches ECC is sure to deliver.

There's still a chance that I would be able to register this year, but it's slim. Which leads to the next question needing to be answered. Should I bother going to the orientation tomorrow? It's from like 8:30 AM in the freaking morning (which means I'd have to leave by 8:00) and goes until 1:00 PM (1:00!) and I'll need it if, in some change of events, I did get registered. But I am really starting to think I'd rather just not do it at all.

Forget you ECC!

Any comments would be nice. I'd love some advice right now and to know what people think of my plans. I think I'm doing the right thing. Which, being that it's my future, not yours, I think my opinion is really the only one that counts. But I'd still like some other input.

Phew! What a day can change...

Until next time.

Sincerely, me

P.S. I have just become obsessed with this song. Listen and be amazed.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Wisdom: there's always more to learn

Dear me (yes me),

This is a letter from you, to you (and I suppose whoever else wants to read it). This is to tell you to "go with the flow" so to speak. Stop worrying about things that are not in your control. And learn to recognize what is and is not in your control.

I can't say I really know what I believe in, religion wise. But who does at this age? This is the time to learn who I am, what I believe in and all that other coming-of-age crap. This. Is. The. Time.

Don't take everything so seriously. I may not know if I worship an idle or not but I have learned over the years (the more recent ones, to be exact) that everything happens for a reason. It just has to. And instead of trying to explain that to yourself why don't you just believe it and move on? There's no way that there isn't some kind of organic force behind the fact that you moved three feet to the left and a minute later a car hit the spot you were just in. I just know it.

So, knowing that, take a deep breath and let everything fall into place the way it should instead of trying to force things to go where you think they should go. Chances are, the way you force it is probably going to be wrong.

Believe in that fact and in yourself and you should be just fine. Everything will work out eventually. The trick is that it may not be in the way you expected it to.

Be happy. Love often. Stay true to yourself.

Sincerely, me

P.S. I just found this quote that I liked. It didn't have an author or source so if you know of one, let me know.
"The journey of a thousand miles begins with a broken fan belt and a flat tire."

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Marching Bands: much cooler than I previously thought

Dear you,

Today I went to something very cool. I went to Drums Along The Waterfront. Its this national competition held in New York showcasing the country's best performing marching bands. In two words: visually delicious.

I was swept away in the dancers' flowing skirts, the flags waving gently but fervently, the instruments being swung around and played beautifully. The music was so much more than I expected. Being a musician, I find myself somewhat critical when I hear live music. Not in a malicious way but in a "I can hear every out of tune note" kind of way. This far exceeded my expectations. All the competitors were impeccable in intonation.

But what really blew me away was the choreography. There were whole story plots! I saw torrid lovers, calvary men, and sultans. I even got to see Little Miss Dorothy, complete with ruby slippers. =)

I wish I could describe every dance to you in excruciating detail. Due to my lack of memory, I cannot. I think I need to start carrying a notepad, because there is so much I want to share with you. Instead, I'll share my feelings.

First I felt nostalgic. Even though I only graduated a couple months ago from high school it feels like it's been longer. My senior year I wasn't much a part of the school. I was taking classes at the community college, I had a full work load and I just wasn't on campus all that much. But when I heard those marching bands tooting their horns I remembered my freshman days of Friday night games at Hawkins Stadium (my home field). It brought back the school spirit, seeing the Sugar Canes (MHS Dance Team) dance, the red, white, and blue, chanting "WE ARE...MANATEE!". It felt nice.

Then I felt the awe settle in. I watched the beauty and fluidity of it all. They were so graceful... That's when the pang of jealousy came in. How much I long to be able to do what they do. I love the violin with a passion, but sometimes I wish I could dance instead.

In the end I felt full. Not with grossly overpriced stadium food, but with wellness. That's not the right word. I don't know exactly what the right word is. I guess you just have to feel it for yourself, you know? Can't wait for next year!

Oh and just thought I'd mention this also...I got accepted for a temporary job at a bookstore. I've got an interview tomorrow at American Eagle and one on Tuesday for Wet Seal. And on top of that I am getting an interview at a restaurant that I'm excited about. Things are looking up!

That's all for now.

Sincerely, me

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Image Editing: stupid

Dear you,

I am feeling very insignificant right now. No, I didn't just get made fun of or anything but I found this website called Aviary ( It's this photo editing website free to users that is comparable to Photoshop in it's features. It seemed so cool I just had to join in on the fun. Well... half an hour later I was knee deep in tutorials and a lot of blah blah blah that I didn't understand.

I kept going, "Oh yeah. Okay, I can do that." Umm no I can't. The tools weren't working (although I'm willing to admit there might have been some user error). I got very frustrated and decided that maybe midnight wasn't the best time to be trying this out. It just seemed so awesome...

Technology is a funny thing. One moment you start to think you may be a little tech savvy. You got your DVR set up, you made a cool blog, maybe you even figured out what a torrent was. But then you go and try to do something that should be no problem for your level of high expertise and you realize just how computer illiterate you really are.

Sigh... I guess my amazing photo editing skills will have to wait to be learned another day.

I hope you're not feeling as dumb as I am right now. ;)

Sincerely, me

Guilty Pleasures: everybody has them

Okay, I felt the need to write this post because I have become a little, tiny bit obsessed with a silly anime show called Sailor Moon. The illustrations are awful, the plots are laughable, and the show in general is quite ridiculous. But it's my guilty pleasure.

The Urban Dictionary ( is known for their comical definitions of commonly used words (i.e. Kay: (proper noun) - name which means: a. the hottest girl on the planet b. fun-loving c. smart and witty d. someone you should keep for the rest of your life e. your perfect girl) Just this once, though, I think they got it right.

Guilty Pleasure: Something that you shouldn't like, but like anyway.

So, I've decided to compile a list of my top ten guilty pleasures. And here they are:

1. Twilight. Yes, I know. Don't even bother saying it, I'm aware. But I love it. I want to be Bella. I want to marry Edward. I want Alice to be my best friend. The whole shebang. 
2. Sailor Moon. As previously mentioned, I love it. I don't know why, exactly, but something about it draws me in. I think it's the fact that I can still remember bits of it from when I was younger. It's just fun.
3. My Laptop. This is probably one of the biggest ones. If you know me well enough you probably know that I'm not easily separated from it.
4. Sleeping In. Eek. I don't like this one very much. I love the productive feeling you get when you wake up early. Even when I go to bed at ten I still have no problem sleeping until 1:30 in the afternoon. I feel bad about it but I just can't rip myself out of bed sometimes. Oh well, I suppose that's what alarm clocks are for.
5. Subway. Oh lord... It would take a whole post of it's own to fully explain it. But I LOVE subway food. I spend way too much money there.
6. Shopping. Hmmm I'm not sure how guilty I feel about this one. I do feel bad when I spend the money on clothes but on the other hand I can honestly say I have paid full price for very few things in my wardrobe. I'm queen of the sales.
7. Eating Junk Food. Yeah I'm sure almost everybody would admit to this one. But even still, I've only met one person who can match my piggy-ness and that's my sister. Let me just tell you, I can eat. And you wonder why I'm becoming a Pastry Chef...
8. Reading When I Shouldn't Be Reading. Who knew reading could be a guilty pleasure? Believe me, it can. When your homework isn't done, your room is dirty, you need to shower before work, and you have errands to run reading is most definitely a guilty pleasure. Because of course, even with all those things I still read through novels at a ridiculous rate. 
9. Singing Disney Movie Songs...Loud. This one speaks for itself. Why, just yesterday I broke out into "Be Our Guest" from Beauty and the Beast while making lunch. Never too old...
10. Facebook. At first I was going to lump this in with the laptop one, but it just needs it's own explanation. With it's ever changing and ever more flimsy security measures I can't stand it a lot of the time. But it's the only way to stay in touch with countless family members and friends. I always feel guilty when I'm talking to someone and they find out how often I'm on Facebook. I hate getting the comment on how they thought I wouldn't be into that kind of thing. It's a guilty pleasure. They don't call it that for nothing.

So there you have it, folks. It took me a long time to make this list. But I'm interested to hear everyone else's. Comment your one biggest guilty pleasure. You know you want to get that off your chest!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Nothing makes you feel like a city slicker like:

  • Being shocked when your bank doesn't have online banking
  • When you can't believe you have to drive fifteen minutes for the nearest Walgreens
  • Not being able to identify the vegetable your uncle holds up to show you
  • Being thoroughly amazed by the scenery...every time you see it
  • When the incontinence section is bigger than the make up section in the local drug store
  • Realizing you're the only one in town that doesn't know everybody
  • Having fresh from the garden veggies everyday is totally unheard of

These are just a few things I thought of. This post was sparked by my trip to the bank today. I still don't know if I'm going to be able to live without online banking. Eek!

This post is going to be continued as I think of more things... I'm sure I'll think of plenty!

  • Feeling like you're on a roller coaster every time you drive over a hill.
  • Not knowing what happened at a tractor pull
  • Not understanding why the grocery store doesn't carry your specific eye liner

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Family: the friends you don't get to pick

Dear you,

Good news! I got a job! (this isn't deja vu I promise) Remember the previously mentioned bookstore cafe? You know, the one that was like my dream part time job that I didn't get even after Ms. Manager decided to say she was hiring me? Yeah, that one. Well...there's a new twist in the story.

Two days after Chrissy broke the news to me that I wasn't getting the job Ms. Manager finally decided to text message me. She told me that she was sorry to tell me that she didn't have any hours that work with my availability. But, she was going to pass on my application to the bookstore manager. Ms. Bookstore Manager called me about an hour later to set up an interview.

I went to the interview today and was given a chance. I'm still a little puzzled as she did not come out and say that I was hired, but she did give me a date to come in and train. I love when people just assume you'll get what they mean. I was taught never to assume. But, I suppose in this case I'm going to have to.

The downside: it's a temporary job. They hire a bunch of people for what they call the "book rush". That's the beginning of the semester when everybody is buying their books. After that, they let almost everyone go. But, hey they might just love me enough to keep me. Who knows?

This gives me a little time to find another job. Even the manager made it clear that she understands I will still be looking for a job. I would love to stay with the bookstore and that's always possible, but I'm not going to hold my breath. I don't have enough money to hold my breath.

In other Kayla related news: I'm going to give a big THANK YOU to my cousins. A few of them have been inviting me to do things with them and it's good to get out. I can't wait to make some new friends and this is the perfect way. They don't have to take me anywhere but I'm so glad they do. So, on the off chance you guys are reading this: thank you.

That's all for now. Hey, it's the Corn Festival man! I've got corn to eat and rides to ride. (except I'm broke so I'll be doing neither, but walking around is fun too...)

Sincerely, me

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I found this on another blog and thought it tied in extremely well with my blog the other day about control, or lack there of....
*note: Sorry it's hard to read. I copied it directly into the blog so I didn't change any of the colors.


10% of life is made up of what happens to you...
90% of life is decided by how you react.


We really have NO control over the 10% of what happens to us.
The 90% is different.
YOU determine the 90%

By your reaction.

You cannot control a red light.
However, you can control your reaction.

Do not let people fool you.
YOU can control how you react.

Go check out the blog:

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Corn Festival: up there with Jesus and blueberry cream pie

Dear you,

Can you smell it? No, not the cow manure! It's the Eden Corn Festival silly! It's my first one ever and I am quite the Excited Eve! (Just made that up, ya like it?) Signs of it are everywhere. The Dairy Queen welcomed the Corn Festival on their marquee. Every pole on Main St is adorned with a Corn Festival banner. And if you look down one of the roads off Main you can see what looks to be the ferris wheel that must have already been put up. A whole festival for corn-who knew?!

We've already got our place for the Corn Festival Parade this Sunday (Right on a friends lawn on Main St)! You can feel the excitement in the air. This is Eden's biggest event of the year and I see why. I'm hoping that with my first Corn Festival I will feel more like an Eden resident, as I still feel a little on the outskirts of things.

It's just refreshing to see such a small town do such cool things.

Well, that's all for now!

Sincerely, me

Control: something nobody has

Dear you,

I have made a discovery I think you should know about. You are NOT in control. The job you're telling everybody you're going to get-not gonna happen. The standard of living you want-in your dreams. Yes, this is a disturbing discovery indeed.

I realized this when the job I was assured of fell through. I went ahead and backed out of the job I was actually hired for. I told everybody within ear shot that I got it. I had it. I was going to get the perfect part time job. Well, as I now know that was not the case. I woke up this morning to my cousin explaining in what seemed like a very angry text message (directed at her boss, not me). It's funny because even though her boss told my cousin that I wasn't getting the job she still hasn't actually told me this. Lovely.

Before I ever moved I told myself that I wanted to work in a doctor's office. I could do filing or be a receptionist. I would get decent pay, it wouldn't hurt my back, and I would be in a professional environment. Perfect. Not. Then I said I didn't want to work weekends. Nevermind! Apparently I'd love to work weekends! I got up here and soon realized that I needed to kick the selectiveness to the curb and find a job quick.

I said that I didn't want to work in a restaurant if I could avoid it. "Yeah, a cafe's okay but that's it". HA! Then I got the perfect job dangled in front of me and taken away just as quickly. So here I am. Jobless, broke, and so not in control.

There really isn't much more I can say about this without going into an angry rant and no one wants that.

In other news I had my first social interaction tonight. I went out with my cousin and his friends. They were cool. I think I may have given off a "shy bitch" vibe though as I said maybe seven words in four hours. I couldn't help it. I suppose it was good that I got out with people my own age. And it was so nice that my cousin took me. I hope he realizes how appreciative I am.

But it made me realize how very much I miss my friends. I'm just no good at making friends. I am too shy and quiet. Most of my friends I've known since elementary school. Others I was lucky enough to meet at work or school. But honestly those were flukes. I have no idea how I got them to like me. People think I'm so boisterous and friendly but that's only after you get to know me. Before that, I happen to be painfully shy.

So I end tonight on more of a melancholy note. I'm not weeping or anything, but there is definitely a dull ache in my heart. I miss home. I miss my friends. I miss my family. And tonight I really miss the familiarity of it all.

Good night, all.

Sincerely, me

Monday, August 2, 2010

Writing: frees the soul

Dear you,

Good news! I have a new project. No silly, this isn't a new hobby. It's not a new collection, or group, or anything like that. It's a new writing project! Now I know what you're thinking: "What the hell does that mean? And why does it concern me?" Well, it doesn't really concern you, I suppose. But it means I have started a new story. I have a few pretty lengthy old projects that I've started but have decided to put on hold permanently.

Maybe someday I'll revisit them, but I kind of doubt it. They were really fun (and some quite moving for me) to write, but all they were, were projects. I'm quite excited about this new one. I can feel the creative juices flowing through me. They have been gone far too long. It's time to get back in the writing saddle. I knew writing this blog would help, and by-golly it has.

Well, I think that's all I have to say for now.

Good night, all.

Sincerely, me

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Spontaneity: what turns a good day into a great one

Dear you,

Today started off ehh. Not bad, but not great either. I accidentally awoke from a twelve hour snooze at 1:30 this afternoon. My mom was worried I was ill. Nope, just tired.

Evidently, my mother was feeling an adventure. And an adventure is what she got. I think it is safe to say that I got my spontaneous side from my mom. I like a good, well thought out plan. But gosh, I love making spur of the moment decisions. They always turn out to be the most fun.

So, with a map that wasn't really a map and our fun sides out we got in the car and drove. My mom found a huge park she hadn't been to in thirty years. It was, in one word, beautiful. There were big open fields, canopies of trees and, best of all, a frisbee golf coarse. It was great. While I did not have a frisbee in hand, I definitely will in the future. My mom and I drove around the park for at least an hour, probably a little longer.

I couldn't help but lose track of the time as I gazed out the windows and mentally planned trips to come back. After that we drove back towards town and stopped to get ice cream at the Dairy Queen. "Why not?" my mother said to me. And I couldn't give her a reason to the contrary. We drove a little longer.

At last we ended up at our new Home Sweet Home. It's been a good day. Not long, not expensive, and I don't have a ton of souvenirs but it's been good. And hey, it's not even 7:00 yet.

Today's Lesson: be more spontaneous. You'll love the results.

Until next time.

Sincerely, me

P.S. Here's a picture of me writing this letter, courtesy of my mother.