Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Thanksgiving: a time for thanks (as the name implies)

Thanksgiving has passed and it just dawned on me today that I really haven't thought about all I'm thankful for. I don't usually sit down and make a big production of it, but this year is quite different than Thanksgivings past. That being said, I feel it's important for people to see what I'm thankful for this beautiful fall.

I'm thankful that I had the courage to move. It hasn't always been fun, but I've become so much more of an adult than I could have ever hoped to be at this point in my life. On the other hand, I'm also thankful that I'm still able to feel like a child in many respects.

I'm thankful to my family. My Florida family for being my rocks. Sometimes I feel like I'm home, just because they are. They have been my guiding light, my guardian angels, and simply knowing they are only a phone call away is one of the sweetest blessings. They are so close, miles mean nothing to me. My New York family for ushering me into my new life with finesse, heart, and strength. They are the reason I haven't gone running back to Florida with my tail between my legs.

I'm thankful for my friends. My best friend Cheryl, of course, makes this list. Her phone calls are sometimes the very height of my day. Without her voice sometimes I forget why I'm doing the crazy things I'm doing. But other than her, there are many more to be thankful for. My Florida friends for reminding me of home. For keeping on with their lives, and reminding me of the memories we have shared. Every once in a while, all it takes to put a smile on my face is to hear one of my friends telling me how I came up in conversation and that I am missed. My New York friends for making me feel a part of something. The people I've met at school have made all the crap I've gone through with ECC completely worthwhile. They are my supports, my jesters, and above all just really great and eclectic people. I do hope they realize how much they all mean to me.

I'm thankful for all the trials and tribulations I have gone through. Gaining and losing jobs, almost not going to ECC this semester, those are all things that taught me to be flexible. They showed me that I am not always in control and I need to be okay with knowing that. I think I am.

With all this being said, I can't forget that I'm thankful for the roof over my head. I'm thankful I have the extreme fortune to be able to live as I please, for I know that others don't have the same right.

Please be thankful for what you have, I guarantee it's more than most on the wonderful planet we call home.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Let me paint you a little picture. Imagine a golden retriever, real cute thing. We'll call him "Woofy". Imagine you've grown tired of Woofy getting into the trash and spreading it all over the kitchen floor. Yeah, that really gets you cheesed. What do you do? Well of course, you lay out some bacon (Woofy's favorite). When Woofy goes to retrieve the bacon you've so obviously laid out for him, a steel bar catches him and instantly snaps his spine. It blocks Woofy's airways so it doesn't take long for him to suffocate to death. That'll teach good ol' Woofy not to play with the garbage anymore.

What? You're horrified at the picture I've painted for you? Your mouth is hanging open in disgust? Really? Well all I was describing was a dog-sized mousetrap. Plenty of people use those everyday. All the time. One probably just snapped a mouses spine in half. Yeah. I'm going there.

When, in the evolution of man, did we take on the God-like task of deciding which species have value and rights and which are nothing more than dirt to walk on? If I were to kill a dog in the way I just described I would be crucified in the media. Peta would be hounding me. I would be ostracized from society. Yet, a mouse is nothing to us.

It's not like a mouse can feel pain. Oh wait...it can. Just like we can. Would you be so okay with killing little Mickey if it could scream in pain like we can? I bet not. See, dogs can whimper. That gives them a human quality. Us humans love human-like qualities. It's just not fair. Why do cats and dogs get rights against abuse yet mice are slaughtered on a daily basis and no one bats an eye?

And for that matter, why are we allowed to hunt for pleasure? What makes it okay to kill an innocent deer but not okay to kill an innocent dog? And I don't want to hear the whole "People have been hunting for hundreds, even thousands of years!" excuse. Our ancestors hunted out of necessity. I doubt cavemen went out on Sundays to see what kind of trophy they could come home with, just to stuff it and mount it on the wall. As for the more recent past that includes hunting for pleasure, I really find the "back in the day" excuse quite flimsy. I happen to recall a thing called "slavery" being all the rage a while ago. Should we bring that back in style? I mean, the people of yester-year must have known best, right?

This is just something that has been percolating in my mind and it has finally spilled out on here. No, I'm not calling for a rally to ban the killing of mice. I just want people to think about what they're doing to the world. Just because your actions may not directly affect another person they can affect the world around you, including animals (not just household pets, I mean things that aren't necessarily cute and furry). Please, please just think about what I'm saying and consider the fact that I might just be on to something.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Do you ever listen to a song that almost immediately puts tears in your eyes? Or maybe inspires you to write or draw? Like you need to thank the music somehow. Thank the person that wrote and performed it. Thank them by creating something of your own. It's like you owe the universe a debt by listening to something so purely magical. I honestly can't even think straight sometimes when I'm listening to something beautiful. I get too caught up in the melodies that I'm paralyzed until it's over. If you don't know the feeling that I'm talking about, I do pity you.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Veterans: always in my heart

I just posted but this is a little more important than my ramblings. I want to give a heart felt THANK YOU to everybody that is or has served in the military. My cousin is overseas fighting for his country right now and for that I owe him everything that I have and everything that I am. He is doing far greater things than I ever will.

But this isn't just for those serving overseas now. Not that what they're doing isn't incredibly heroic but we can't forget those that have already served. With that, I thank my father and brother for doing what I don't have the strength to do. And thank you to the other members of my family that have served in the past.

I can't even adequately articulate what I'm trying to say so I'm going to leave it at this: thank you. You are appreciated.

I love you Sean, Dad, and Nathan. =)

“Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today.” -James Dean

I stumbled upon one of those nice life quotes that you always read and go, "Awww, that's nice. I should do that," except you never think about it again. At least, you don't think about it until you read the next life quote you happen upon and think to yourself, "Hmmm, isn't that a nice way to live your life? I should try and be like that". I decided upon reading this one that I would actually think about how it is saying to live my life, and whether I actually do or would do any of these things. Here's the quote:

Take Chances. I think I'm doing pretty well with this one. I try not to get big headed with the whole "moving away from home" thing. You don't really think that's something that even could go to your head but believe me, after months of having people compliment you on doing it and surviving, it can honestly get hard not to be one of those I-can-do-anything-because-I-am-all-that kind of people. Usually, though, one really bad day is enough to kick that right out of me.

Tell The Truth. I'll be honest. I've lied. But pretty much every lie I remember telling occurred when I was a wee little lassie. Now-a-days, I'm too chicken to lie. I just know someone is going to find out and it ends up worse for me in the end.

Date Somebody Totally Wrong For Me. Ehhh, even though my dating history is little more than a few names written on a sticky-note I have in fact dated somebody totally wrong for me. And honestly? I don't see why that would be a good thing. If the person is "totally wrong for you" that kind of implies it's not going to go very well. But hey, what do I know? Moving on!

Say No. This one is kind of a toughy for me. If I'm feeling confident about who I'm talking to and I'm comfortable with the situation than sure, I'll say no. But put me at work and they're asking me to work a double even though I really don't want to-there's no way I'm saying no. No lie-I canceled dinner plans with my great aunt and uncle to work when I wasn't scheduled. I CANNOT say no sometimes.

Spend All Your Cash. This one I like. When I have money in my wallet that has no purpose other than to give me a false sense of wealth hell yeah I'm going to spend it! Yes, I should be saving for college. I totally understand that. But money should not be the ruling factor in my life. If I want something I should be able to get it without feeling guilty. That being said, I very rarely do this so I don't want any sass about it.

Get To Know Someone Random. My younger self would pounce on the chance to meet anyone new. That younger me is gone and in her place a more reserved (I know not always, but most of the time), quiet me. That makes it quite hard to get to know random people. That being said, my class at ECC is just about the most random mix of people I have ever seen. We are all crazy and unique and awesome in our one singular way. It's a really cool thing to mesh with people that you have seemingly nothing in common with (except baking).

Be Random. I love this one. Really love it. Randomness is one of the best traits of our species. Just tonight, I hopped in my car and made the half an hour trip (that's an hour round trip, people) for a burrito. Was it a logical use of my time and gas? Hell no. Was it worth it. Hell yes. I am a person that thrives off lists and order and organization. But to live your life to the fullest sometimes you just have to throw your plans out the window and go where the wind takes you.

Alright, as this post is getting a little lengthy and I'm not even half way done I'm going to end this for now. Worry not, I'm going to finish writing it now and then post the rest tomorrow when I remember.

I do hope you enjoy what I write. It makes me happy to have someone to write to without knowing exactly who I'm writing to, you know? I'm not talking to my mom, or my best friend, or my distant relative. I'm talking to all of you and none of you which is very soothing to me. So thank you for reading, whoever you are.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A Very Awesome World It Is

I'd like to share with you someone quite special to me. No, I've never met this person. No, I don't know their middle name and I couldn't tell you whether they're a Democrat or a Republican (or neither). But he is special to me just the same.

His name is Dallas Clayton. He wrote the book "An Awesome Book" that blew me away. It's a beautifully illustrated children's book he wrote for his son and was kind enough to publish for the rest of us. I bought it around Christmas time last year when I was feeling pretty down and I still pull it out every once in a while and read it. It sums up my life pretty perfectly.

Well good news people! He's just come out with a new book! I'm pretty darn excited. You can read the whole thing online for free or order it from his website. Personally, I don't have a lot of money but I'm willing to spare the few dollars for him. He more than deserves it.

Check out his books and I urge you to think about purchasing one or both of them. You won't regret it. And hey, it truly is an awesome world.

For Dallas' website click here

Monday, November 1, 2010

Winter is an etching, spring a watercolor, summer an oil painting and autumn a mosaic of them all.  ~Stanley Horowitz

The leaves have gone. A few of them are lingering alone on the trees, but most have departed. It feels very transitional right now. Of course, all of Autumn feels like a huge period of change but right now we are at our peak. The trees are barren and winter wants to move in, swiftly and slyly. But I can tell fall wishes to stay just a bit longer. Between you and me, I think Autumn is losing. It's colder these days. My heat has been on in my car, my jacket is steadily by the door.

Beyond the seasons, life in general seems to be in transition. My life is, at least. Classes changing, friendships forming. All new, all fresh. You can feel it in the crisp air, the change. It's everywhere. I hear of people putting away trampolines and other sumer toys, getting snow blowers out to replace them. My shorts are in my dresser semi-permanently. I like it.

For the most part, I am simply observing. I am watching the way one thing ends as another begins. It's almost magical. Like an age old tradition, passed down for hundreds of years. The leaves changing, then falling. The way the air plays tricks on you, going from cooler to colder to warmer to colder yet again, just to keep you on your toes. Even the way the sun seems tired now, coming late and leaving early. All these things work together along with the transitions we, as people, make without thinking about it. Putting away the light, summer clothes we wear to frolic the summer away, bringing out the tougher, heavier clothing that will keep us warm in tough times. It all works together to create this mass transition that I don't think we take enough notice of. Well, I am. I am glimpsing the way the world works together to keep this cacophony of sounds and smells and experiences and lives moving forward. Always forward.

This is my take on Autumn. I haven't written in a while, but unless I have been significantly inspired, writing comes at a difficulty to me. I hope you're taking note of how the world is changing around you. How you are changing, yourself. It truly is a magical thing, I assure you.