Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Cold Hard Truth: oh yeah, I'm going there

So today is my birthday. There's about one hour and nineteen minutes left. It's been...okay. If this was any other day it would've been pretty darn good. Got pizza at work (for my birthday) and Chef Amanda made this awesome pasta salmon dish for us at school. Great day under normal circumstances. For a birthday it's been ehhhhh.

I was not let down on the "Happy Birthday!" front. I have been bombarded (in a great way) by birthday wishes and lots of "Miss you!"'s too. But I spent the day at work and school, only to come home to an empty apartment. No birthday cards came in the mail (and I know they should have). This isn't a pity me post, I swear, it's just an ehhhh post.

I haven't minded living alone at all. And for the most part, I still don't. But there are always those few moments when you wish there would be someone waiting to give you a hug at the end of the day and cook you whatever dinner you want because "It's Your BIRTHDAY!!!". This year I didn't even tell many people. I told a few people, but mostly they just...found out (I'm still not sure how they knew at work).

I talked to a couple of my favorite people on the phone toinght, which is nice, but it doesn't replace seeing them in person (This is when I kick myself and the makers of Logitech that I don't have a working webcam. Skype would be nice right about now...). I just...I don't know. I'm so glad to be where I am right now. I'm so happy that I live where I live and I'm doing what I'm doing. But sometimes I would give a whole heck of a lot to be back to even just last year.

One year ago today I hung out with a friend or two and had pizza at my Dad's house with my family and Cheryl. I just want to do that again.

But, as the title of my blog states: My life is spreading. There are new people in my life and old ones still. I now have ties to New York as well as Florida. They may not be very strong yet, but they're growing. And they will continue to grow, I have a feeling. Only time will tell.

As this post suggests, this day needs to be put to bed and so do I.


Sunday, October 17, 2010

Camping: oh the blogging opportunities

Okay, so this is how this is going to go:

I'm writing this post as an intro post just to warn you of whats coming.
Then, I'm going to write my entire camping trip down (Probably in multiple editions. Because really, who wants to read all of that in one sitting? I know I don't).
Then I'm going to upload all of the pictures that I didn't take but will post anyway (yes, giving credit where credit is due).

So just be warned. I'm not going to link to Facebook for all of these because I already spam Facebook with enough links. I'll put this one up and then most likely you'll just have to check back often to see if it's all here. Hopefully, it'll all be up within the next 24-48 hours.

Alright, let the blogging festivities begin! (Wow, even for me that felt lame...)

**EDIT: I was stupid and waited too long. I've kind of missed my chance to write everything out. I needed to do it when it was fresh in my mind (I.E. while I was camping). Don't worry though, I have a pretty new journal and a pretty new sketchpad so this shouldn't happen again...hopefully**

Monday, October 11, 2010

The Social Network: a mess of awesome and sad

I saw The Social Network last night after much waiting and anticipation. It was fabulous (and not only because my beloved Jesse Eisenberg was in it-I'd watch anything he's in). It was funny, a little dark, and above all sad. I decided to give you my review on here.
**I pretty much go over the whole plot, including the ending so if you are still excited to see it, DON'T read on.**

First off, when I write I like a little music to set the tone. I will be listening to Creep covered by The Scala and Kolacny Brothers. I suggest you listen to it as well-click here. (This was also the song in the teaser trailer for the movie.)

I missed the first ten minutes of the movie so I'm hoping nothing super important happened in that time. Basically, the movie showed a kid (genius kid, I might say) who got in way over his head. Jesse plays Mark Zuckerburg, the founder of Facebook, or as it was known then The Facebook. He started it after claiming he would help start another, quite similar website (I believe it was called Connect U). He led them on, telling them he would get it done for them while creating his own website in that time. The trick was, he only used their idea, not their actual codes.

So he got the site up and running with his best friend (his only friend, Eduardo).

It took off faster than they had ever imagined, leaving them with a big job for two young people (albeit smart people, but still). Mark starting getting advice from Napster founder, Sean Parker. Sean had a tendency to be a little paranoid, a fact Mark seemed to be able to look past.

While Eduardo tried to keep him focused, Mark was swayed by Sean's predictions of grandeur. In the end, Mark goes with Sean, leaves a stunned Eduardo in the dust (after swindling him out of everything) and Sean having to leave the company after a cocaine bust.

This leaves Mark utterly alone. Yes, he had a hugely successful and ever-growing company but he had not one friend. He was sued by Eduardo and the would-be creators of ConnectU, all getting major settlements. Eduardo made off with over a billion dollars.

Mark is worth about $6.9 Billion dollars (and he only owns 24% of Facebook still). He can buy whatever he wants in this world...except friends. Now, the movie may not have been completely accurate, but I tend to believe it was pretty close to the dot.

What I saw was not Mark, the asshole who sold out his friends to make money. I saw Mark, a fairly anti-social kid who wasn't ever interested in making money off of this. He never planned to turn on his best friend, he never planned on it being what it is today. He just had a good idea for a website, and was decent with coding.

It made me wonder if, given the chance, he would do it again. Would he repeat everything that happened, hurt everyone he hurt just to get the net worth he has today? I don't think so. I honestly don't.

Mark has come off as a major douche a few times in the media, but it seems like he was just a regular guy that got thrown into an irregular situation. If everything I said ended up on the internet without me knowing I wouldn't look so great either.

In the end, I thought it was a great movie, brilliantly done. I feel bad for Mark, and I feel really bad for Eduardo (even with the billion dollars, he got the serious short end of the stick). It just goes to show the age old wisdom: money isn't everything.

There you have it. Let me know what you thought of the movie if you've seen it. I might just have to go see it again.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Weather: way more important than I thought

Dear you,

Depending on how well you know me you probably know that I love rainy days. Can't get enough of 'em. Or so I thought. For the past week it's been a constant drizzle and very cold. And by yesterday, my breath would catch in my throat every time I got to glimpse a bit of sun, or even blue sky.

I think with all the things that are in my life now, it is more important than ever to retain a positive outlook. I'm finding that very hard to do when I'm wet and cold. So basically, cold/wet=sad/tired warm (but not too warm)/sunny=happy/motivated. This probably shouldn't be so interesting to me seeing as it's already pretty well known. Why do you always draw a smiley face inside of a sun? Because sun=happy. I guess living in Florida has made me forget or not realize a lot of the obvious. Just like witnessing the season change through a child's new eyes, I am realizing that the sun has more of an effect than I originally thought.

Today, though, things changed. When I left for work this morning there wasn't a menacing cloud in the sky, I could hear birds chirping and it was warmer than it had been days. I was elated. Being in the basement at work was tough, it felt like I was being locked away until the rain returned. What if it became cloudy while I was down there? That just wouldn't do. Thankfully there's a little vent/window thing down there at ground level so I could check that it was, in fact, still sunny. It's so lovely looking through that portal. There are pretty, crisp, green leaves floating around it and heavenly-looking sun rays surrounding it.

My good mood continued after work. I had extra time before school today because math had been cut short so I didn't need to go in until 4:00. I took this opportunity to sit in the sprawling backyard and soak up some Vitamin D and I must was delicious.

Going to school kind of killed my mood for a while. Being in a crampt kitchen with a bunch of other people, some of whom I do not particularly care for just isn't all that fun. And having a teacher who equates mistakes with unpreparedness always, gets me a little cheesed (Oh, how I love that saying). I am so sorry that my first batch of vanilla sauce didn't come out right. Funny, it didn't say in the directions I had to stir constantly but that's okay, it must have been my fault. I should have just known.

Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnyhoo...all in all, a good day. It was kind of sad at night when I left school and it seemed like every other night. Just a little drier. Took some of the magic from the day. But oh well, I certainly enjoyed it and am hoping for more good weather to come now that it's the weekend (for me, at least).

Until next time...

Sincerely, me

Friday, October 1, 2010


Hello my friends. My sister shared with me the idea of making a Fall Music Playlist. A playlist of the songs you like right now and ones that fit with the mood of fall and change. I decided to act on this idea and made one of my own. So, I figured I'd share it on here.

1) Us by Regina Spektor
2) I'll Be Seeing You by Billie Holiday
3) So This Is Love by Cinderella (I can't help it, this is pretty much the best song ever)
4) Beautiful by The Glee Cast
5) The Only Exception by Paramore
6) Hello by The Glee Cast
7) All The Way by Frank Sinatra
8) Poker Face by The Glee Cast
9) Angel by Sarah McLachlan
10) I Dreamed A Dream by The Glee Cast
11) Humble Me by Norah Jones
12) Hello Goodbye by The Glee Cast
13) Somedays by Regina Spektor
14) Wounded by Third Eye Blind
15) Hallelujah by Kate Voegele
16) Motorcycle Drive By by Third Eye Blind
17) Creep by Radiohead (Covered by Scala and Kolacny)

Yep, that's it. A lot of Glee but that's what I'm enjoying right now so I thought it appropriate. Enjoy, and make your own! =)