Sunday, September 19, 2010

Accidentally Deleting Everything You Wrote: freaking annoying

Ok take #2 for this post (I was just about finished and accidentally deleted the whole freaking thing).

Alright so I'm thinking about doing a vlog to coincide with this blog. Yes, I'm a dork. This would be for my friends and family who say they miss me. I figure, in lieu of skype, this is a great way for people to remember how annoying I am in person. It would also be for all my awesome friends that I don't get to talk to nearly enough. I feel bad for not calling as much as I should, but with everything going on it's hard to remember to call my Mom and Dad regularly enough, let alone everybody else!

If this sounds like a cool idea let me know and I'll start doing it. (Disclaimer: Regardless of what everybody says I'll decide whether I do it or not solely on how lazy I'm feeling that day-but it's always nice to have input)

Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd that is all. Good day.

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