Thursday, August 11, 2011

Is It Time Yet? Oh It Is? Let's Slow Down A Little

In less than one hour it will be official: I move to Orlando in a week. If you've come into contact with me in the last several months you already know this since it's almost all I think/talk/dream/write/Facebook about anymore. I am so overly pumped to start this chapter of my life I cannot stand it. The best friend and I have been shopping, planning, and virtually designing our rooms for months. It almost doesn't seem real. The only things to keep me in reality are the constant calls from Cheryl about something we need for our apartment and the ever-present boxes stacked tall and wide in my bedroom.

I've made it no secret, this summer, that I detest Bradenton. I don't enjoy the heat. The beach is ehhh. The majority of the people here are simply people I wish I could never associate with. I don't like it here. But on the other side, I have my little secret. I love being home. While everything I just said was true, I cannot get over how much I love being with my family. Hanging out with my sister and brother is one of my all time favorite things to do. And before you even think it, it's not sad or pathetic at all. At one point I thought it was a little nerdy that I voluntarily spend as much time with my siblings as possible. But then I realized that the times when I laugh/cry the most often is with them. And, any way I can get to that euphoria could never be labeled pathetic. Few people know that level of happiness in their lifetime, let alone three times in an afternoon.

Spending the day with my mom, be it lunch or cleaning or shopping for things we can't buy, reminds me that friends don't necessarily have to be your age. I missed her a lot when I was in New York. Having Linda up there was like having a second mom, for sure. But I still missed my mommy. It's going to be hard not to have her a three minute drive away again.

And my Dad...our quiet Sunday mornings eating cinnamon rolls (Hopefully the orange kind, of course. Right Dad?) in the living room in our pajamas is a tradition that has truly proven itself over the years. While it used to include the whole family, it has dwindled down to kind of be "our thing" in my opinion. While I'm not up earlier than him anymore to make them myself, it's still something I can look forward to every Sunday I'm home. I tried doing it in New York and it just wasn't the same.

Pair that with my honorary sibling, Katy Jo that I've gotten to spend time with lately and you have one happy Kay. While I'm still bursting with excitement for Orlando there's that voice again that reminds me that behind my smile I will always have an ache in my heart for when I was last with my family. My last Wii night for a while. The last time I walked into my brother's room to yell, "SHUT YO FACE" and ended up staying for an hour. The last time my sister and I sang show tunes and one of us did something so stupid we couldn't stop laughing for half an hour. You get the gist...

All in all I'm counting down the days (soon I'll start counting hours hehe). I know this is the natural feeling because I've felt it so many times since graduating high school. Sigh...maybe someday I will be able to post other things besides silly poetry written by an emotional girl and ramblings about moving. I think it will help that after this next move I don't plan on moving again for a few years. We'll see how that goes! ;)

P.S. Congrats for reading all the way down here. I know it must get boring.

P.P.S. This is my 100th post! Yay me!

1 comment:

  1. I am sooooo excited for you! I know you are going to have the best time :) I get super nostalgic for dorm shopping haha well keep up the blogging please and visit whenn you can... We will have the chicken wing dip waiting! <3 Chrissy
