Do you ever revel in the moments that changed your life? Those instances where everything changes, hopefully for the better? What about the moments that you've let pass by? The times that had the potential to be incredible but for whatever reason weren't, and ended up being a faint memory somewhere in the recesses of your mind?
I was thinking about how if you asked a mother what would happen if they never would have had one of their children. They, I imagine, would look at you with a great sadness. Imagining it as if they would miss them. In reality, they would never know that that child had ever had the potential to exist.
That brought me to the thought: what if, in our lifetime, we pass by the chance to have many children. We aren't usually sad about the children we could've had. (No, I'm not talking about abortion or anything like that)
And that is what led me to the thought about the life-changing experiences. Look at that, we came full circle. It was just some thoughts I had. Some questions that arose in my mind. Think about it.
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