Monday, December 6, 2010

North South East West?

The other day I made the decision to apply to University of Buffalo for a degree in English with a focus in Creative Writing. I was pretty jazzed, because I had finally made up my mind about what I wanted to do. With this degree I can go into many fields of writing which, deep down, is what I wanted all along. I was completely content knowing that I had made the decision and fully intended to follow it through.

Then...Cheryl called. We chitted, we chatted. Not about anything particularly important. But she happened to mention the idea of going to school in Florida. Now my mother has mentioned this before. I'll be honest, I usually just wrote it off without thinking about it much (sorry, Mom). When Cheryl said it, stating the fact that as long as I went to school in Fl she could go with me, it sounded a whole-heck-of-a lot more interesting. I actually considered it.

The first few universities we looked at were ruled out for various reasons. Then we landed on UCF. The University of Central Florida. My sister's alma mater. I'd always loved the school (And not just because I like to copy my sister. Which, I'll admit, I have been known to do on occasion). I looked further and realized that it not only had an English degree, I could actually get my bachelor's in Creative Writing (Oh you know...that's only my DREAM).

Once I saw that, I was unable to stop myself from picturing it. Me. Cheryl. UCF. Heaven. I could honestly see it being the best four years of my life. Easily. It was then that I became conscious of the fact that I now had an extremely hard decision to make. I could go back to Florida and go to college with my best friend at a great university only three hours away from home. OR I could go to the University of Buffalo (I'm pretty sure it's a good university, but I'll admit I don't know much about it). I could meet what are sure to be great people. I could continue to lay down the roots I've already started here.

So now I'm torn. I've made enough friends here and become so close to my family here that either way I'm going to miss a lot of people. As I've probably said too many times already, nothing is as permanent as it seems. While I'm considering going to college in Florida I still do not plan to live there after I'm graduated. I don't even necessarily plan on living in Eden. The point is, I don't know where the heck I'm going. I don't have any kind of five year plan in place. I don't know where I see myself in ten years.

I'm continually learning that to make this crazy thing called "life" work you have to be flexible. You have to go with the flow, no matter where that takes you. I'm kind of thinking the flow is heading to Orlando, Florida. I just don't know. Thing is...because I've waited so long to think about where the flow may or may not be going I'm nearing deadlines for a good amount of schools. So I don't have that long to apply.

The fact that I'm writing this at 1:00 in the morning is probably not good. I'm really tired and I'm worried this is going to sound slightly incoherent and there may be some grammar mistakes, just a warning. I just wanted to get this down because I've witnessed too many times how waiting to write a blog post until a more convenient time usually ends up with me never writing it. With that, I'll bid you all adieu!


  1. Well ya know I'm gonna say come back to Florida as will all of your friends and family down here. Since you don't have a 5 year plan in place anyway and werent planning on living in either place after you graduated, why not go to college where you can still be on your own but yet come to Btown whenever you want. Plus, your girls can come visit you much easier!! I know Shelbi would be in heaven...just sayin! ;-)
    But truly no will make the best decision for have already proven that!

  2. Thank you! I'm leaning towards UCF, truth be told. But I'm applying to both. Because we all know not to put all your eggs in one basket! haha
