Dear you,
Things have changed yet again. I know... I decided (with a little push from my Dad) to go to the last registration day for ECC. I was not full of hope, but rather womanly hormones that made me a danger to the public.
What the head of the Culinary Department must have seen on my face, I can't imagine. But it was enough for him to pull a few proverbial strings and get me in. That's correct, you heard me right. He got me registered for classes. This could not have been an easy task since apparently the program has been filled up since April. That would have been nice to know back in, you know, APRIL. But oh well. No use crying over it now.
So I was given a week to get everything prepared for classes (things that take weeks usually). It's not that I can't get it done, just that at a normal human pace it would take much longer. So...with Linda (my personal savior right now) and my big ECC envelope I've been carrying around for months I made my way back today and got my books, went to the Financial Aid office, got my ID and parking pass and other fun things of the sort-all before 10:30 AM!
I start on Monday and I am excited. How could I not be? This is what I've wanted all along. True, I wish all this had been squared away a while ago. Then I'd be really excited. But, again I say, oh well. In the end, I'm going to school like I wanted, I have a job like I needed, and I'm in New York which is something I've wished for for a long time. How could I not be satisfied-getting everything I wanted?
For now, I'm taking deep breaths and trying to focus on things like what I'm going to wear on the first day and if I should bring my backpack or a purse (I'm opting for my backpack). It's easier to think about those trivial decisions than to think that in five mere days I'll begin the training for the career that I will have for the rest of my life.
That's a long time. Good thing I really like what I'm going to be doing.
In the end I stick by what I have said many times recently. Everything happens for a reason. Most times, hindsight is 20/20. Usually I can look back and say, "Oh...that's why that happened. Because if I got that job I never would have found this job." This situation is a little tougher. As of now, I can't see why it was such a struggle to get registered. I just don't know what that helped. But it must have served a purpose. And hopefully someday I will see it and say, "Okay, now I understand."
Wishing you a happy journey in whatever you do.
Sincerely, me
I love you and I'm so proud of you!