Monday, August 16, 2010

I Am Woman: hear me roar

Dear you,

I must say, this whole ordeal has made me feel so strong. Even leaning on my family like I am I can't help but feel, for lack of a better term, awesome. No, I'm not happy all the time. But inside I just feel like I can do anything. If I've made it this far I can't fail.

With this in mind I'm thinking about starting a little project. I'm toying around with the idea of going vegetarian for one month. Now, depending on how well you know me you might know just how much I enjoy meat. Roast beef sandwiches, steak, chicken...Imagine Homer Simpson groveling with drool seeping from his mouth because that's how I feel right now.

But in the last few weeks it has become apparent that I have, in fact, gained a weeeeee bit of weight. Don't freak out everybody! I'm not calling myself obese and contemplating anorexia. I enjoy food far too much. I am, however, thinking that if I could try the vegetarian thing out for a month I could 1) lose a little weight/get into the habit of eating veggies regularly and 2) prove to myself that I can do it.

I'm thinking about starting September 1st which should give me enough time to eat all the meat I have in the house and maybe stop at Subway a few more times and get their roast beef on honey oat (Oh how I'll miss you...). And maybe, just maybe, I'll actually save some money on groceries if I don't have to buy meat.

Just a thought rolling around in my brain and decided to share it with you.

Well, for now I think I'll head to bed and hopefully avoid any killer spiders. Eek.

Good night, all.

Sincerely, me


  1. Kaylaaa. Go vegetarian! You can do it. I did for about 6 months. I loved it butttt I also craved my steak. Lol I feel that you'd do really well.

  2. If you INSIST on trying out vegetarianism, make sure you take your vitamins EVERY DAY and do SOMETHING to get your protein! Otherwise you'll spend more money on being sick than you did on meat!

  3. As someone who did it with my kids out of necessity, it is doable. HOWEVER, I must caution you that eating truly vegetarian is not just having a salad all day every day. It does take work and planning, but may not necessarily lead to weight loss. Do some research 1st and talk to me about it, I PROMISE to bend your ear on the topic! LOL!

  4. Going on my third or fourth year of on and off pescotarianism. It's amazing, really. And it's not hard at all, especially if you buy some Morningstar Farms or Boca products in your frozen food section.. they're delicious faux-meats, and make planning meals just as easy as if you were actually cooking with animal products. You SHOULD lose weight, but you'll have to exercise too. And as far as vitamin/mineral/protein deficiencies - it's not really a common thing. Most people don't realize how much protein we get from other things, like egg whites, legumes and yogurt! If you have ANY questions at all, girl, aim 'em at me. I've got years of experience with this stuff.
