Thursday, March 24, 2011

Sometimes It Just Hits You

I make it no secret, my love of music. I love listening to it, making it, discovering it.

Well I've discovered a new one. Okay, it's not all. Just to me. I have fallen in love with Blackbird by The Beatles.

It's one of the most peaceful things I've ever heard in my life. The lyrics are pure poetry.

I find music I like quite often. But just hits me. And this hit me like a ton of bricks.

I haven't decided if I should cry, smile, sing, or frolic. I kind of want to do them all. And that's a beautiful thing.

Since it's almost 3:00 AM I've had to settle for learning how to play it on my violin (I'm only plucking of course, don't want to wake up the "neighbors"). It doesn't feel like enough, not even close (I was tired. Now I'm wide awake. Sigh...).

I stress myself out over silly, petty things like money or schoolwork. In the moment, my problems seem monumental. Like a mountain I will never crest. But when I take a step back, look at things in perspective, the mountain seems to shrink. I can do it. Whatever it is. Priorities seem to have this way of putting themselves in the correct order.

All this from one song. One song.

People underestimate how much music can do.

So, with a lump in my throat and a light feeling in my heart I'll drift off into a peaceful sleep. Thank you Paul and John. You are two beautiful souls.

1 comment:

  1. Blackbird is literally the most beautiful song ever. I've never understood how someone could have written something so simple and perfect.

