Tell The Truth. I'll be honest. I've lied. But pretty much every lie I remember telling occurred when I was a wee little lassie. Now-a-days, I'm too chicken to lie. I just know someone is going to find out and it ends up worse for me in the end.
Date Somebody Totally Wrong For Me. Ehhh, even though my dating history is little more than a few names written on a sticky-note I have in fact dated somebody totally wrong for me. And honestly? I don't see why that would be a good thing. If the person is "totally wrong for you" that kind of implies it's not going to go very well. But hey, what do I know? Moving on!
Say No. This one is kind of a toughy for me. If I'm feeling confident about who I'm talking to and I'm comfortable with the situation than sure, I'll say no. But put me at work and they're asking me to work a double even though I really don't want to-there's no way I'm saying no. No lie-I canceled dinner plans with my great aunt and uncle to work when I wasn't scheduled. I CANNOT say no sometimes.
Spend All Your Cash. This one I like. When I have money in my wallet that has no purpose other than to give me a false sense of wealth hell yeah I'm going to spend it! Yes, I should be saving for college. I totally understand that. But money should not be the ruling factor in my life. If I want something I should be able to get it without feeling guilty. That being said, I very rarely do this so I don't want any sass about it.
Get To Know Someone Random. My younger self would pounce on the chance to meet anyone new. That younger me is gone and in her place a more reserved (I know not always, but most of the time), quiet me. That makes it quite hard to get to know random people. That being said, my class at ECC is just about the most random mix of people I have ever seen. We are all crazy and unique and awesome in our one singular way. It's a really cool thing to mesh with people that you have seemingly nothing in common with (except baking).
Be Random. I love this one. Really love it. Randomness is one of the best traits of our species. Just tonight, I hopped in my car and made the half an hour trip (that's an hour round trip, people) for a burrito. Was it a logical use of my time and gas? Hell no. Was it worth it. Hell yes. I am a person that thrives off lists and order and organization. But to live your life to the fullest sometimes you just have to throw your plans out the window and go where the wind takes you.
Alright, as this post is getting a little lengthy and I'm not even half way done I'm going to end this for now. Worry not, I'm going to finish writing it now and then post the rest tomorrow when I remember.
I do hope you enjoy what I write. It makes me happy to have someone to write to without knowing exactly who I'm writing to, you know? I'm not talking to my mom, or my best friend, or my distant relative. I'm talking to all of you and none of you which is very soothing to me. So thank you for reading, whoever you are.
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