Dear you,
I have interesting news. I have a job two jobs! Yes, yours truly is gainfully employed. Well, I will be soon.
I put out a few applications the other day. Knowing how hard it is to get a job back home I didn’t expect things to go so smoothly. Before I knew it, I was no longer stressing about not having a job, but the threat of having too many.
Now, I know what you’re thinking. “Kayla, that’s great. Now you can pick which one is best!” That’s what I thought at first. But does anyone realize that in a minimum wage job they don’t really give you time to think about it? They look briefly at your application to make sure you’re not a felon and BAM! You’ve been added to the team.
Well now, being that I am not a felon that should be great news. Except things went a little out of order. I applied at a coffee place up here named Tim Horton’s. Let’s just say, this doesn’t look like my kind of job.
They provide you with everything for your uniform down to the socks. Ew. Oh and let’s all have a big gasp in horror-I have to wear a hair net! GASP!
And believe me, I know what some of you are thinking now. “You’re just lucky to have a job. Quit complaining!” Well that’s true. But I also think that if you’re willing to go the extra mile your job doesn’t haveto suck.
So let me tell you about this other job. It’s a bookstore cafe (heaven). It’s super chill. The hours are great. And oh yeah (I can hear the hallelujah chorus now) they don’t have uniforms. That’s right people! You heard me right! I can where whatever strikes my fancy (as long as my shoulders and toes are covered).
Needless to say, I’m pulling for the latter of the two. Wellllllllllllllll I got hired at Tim Horton’s today. Woo. Hoo. How could I say no when I haven’t heard from the other place yet? I couldn’t, now could I? So yes, as of now I am the newest employee of Tim Horton’s. Sigh…
But don’t worry people! There’s another upside to this roller coaster of a story! I texted my cousin Chrissy that works at said bookstore cafe and got her to find the inside scoop. Well all be. I’m getting hired there too. But she isn’t going to be calling me for another week.
So now I’m left with a dilemma. You see, I am not good at face to face confrontation. I may be able to write a mean letter better than anybody I know, but when it comes to action…I fall flat. I either avoid the situation all together like the coward that I am or actually start to say something and end up editing most of my tenacity right out.
I know, I know. It’s not that big of a deal to back out when I only got the job yesterday. But what if she’s mad? How do you expect me to deal with that? Write her a letter calmly expressing why I made the decision to not work at Tim Horton’s? I don’t think so.
And now I’m up at almost one in the morning when I was tired at 9:00. I can’t seem to make my mind shut off. My hope was that if I can get everything written down I will be able to go to sleep. Well, here’s to trying.
Good night, all.
Sincerely, me
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