Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Tu es juste un bébé

Damn those that make you feel belittled.
Damn the ones that stand on your shoulders and call themselves tall.
Damn the liars and the cheaters and the cut-in-line sneekers.
Damn them all.
I will feel tall today.
I will stand with my shoulders held back, head raised high with my eyes on the stars because I am me and that's a damn good thing to be.
I will tell you that you are small because you are.
I will let you know that I am no dork, no loser, no down-and-outer.
I am graceful, divine, resplendent, sublime, exquisite, and radiant.
And that's on an off day.
You feel as though you're powerful. You feel as though you're cool.
Well let me tell you, you little boy.
You are nothing more than the lies you build upon yourself.
You are the failures of your life.
You are the disappointment of your family.
You are the lead balloon trying to float.
Go ahead and make me seem small. Because in the end I am a mountain cresting amongst the heavens and you are but a valley collecting mud for the swine to bathe in.

Oh and whatever you do, don't ever piss off a writer.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Fast Track To Nothing: this place sucks

Do you want to know why I really don't enjoy living in my hometown? Because I am so dreadfully sick and tired of small, petty problems. Being here does nothing but suck you into these trite issues that, frankly, I couldn't care less about.

Who's mad at who today? Who screwed who last night? Ohhh they don't want a relationship because they like your best friend? Ew did you hear about Skank A and Skank B? Yeah they got in this huge fight outside "insert lame hangout here" and now they've sworn to never talk again.

Hey! Guess what! No one gives a flying fuck. Yep. I said it. I don't feel in the mood to sugarcoat things. And somehow, even though I make my feelings clear, I still become involved. Even personally involved. Like, falling for a piece of crap. Yeah, you'd think missy here with her sarcastic, slightly sardonic blog would know better than to run away with emotions. You'd think she would know that trash and losers make up 90% of the population, leaving only a sad handful to live in the squalor they create. But alas, it seems even I am not immune.

I don't mean to sound arrogant, but even in my short-lived time away from home I was able to briefly glimpse the outside world. A world where the immature actually become the mature over time. Where it's not impossible to surround yourself with people that enjoy things other than Lil Wayne and crappy beer. Don't get me wrong, every place has their trash, but it seems to me that B-Town has a larger than normal concentration of it.

I love being near my family and sadly, that means I see myself spending more time than I'd like here in the future. But you can bet your ass I will never lay down permanent roots if I can avoid it. This place is like a poison, seeping through my still-young veins. I want to get out while I'm still really alive. While I can still somewhat separate myself from the "culture" here.

I may have said this in a bit of an erratic, emotional state but so what. If I have offended anyone, I am sorry. I'm not sorry for saying it, just that you found it personally offensive.

Friday, July 1, 2011


I saw a really breath taking movie (The Tree Of Life) the other day. I won't go into to much detail because, to be honest, it's one of those things you just have to see. After seeing the movie, I decided to look up reviews to see if maybe I could learn a little bit more about the symbolism that I may have missed (there was a lot). I started reading reviews from reputable sources and the longer I read them the more I just felt unagreeable. Why am I listening to these people?

Then all of a sudden it all felt very silly to me. I was literally going online to find people that could tell me what they thought of a movie (presumably, what I should think of the movie). I didn't know these people. They might not have similar tastes to me, even. So why on earth was I spending my time listening to them ramble on about a movie?

Why does anyone? Well, I think that question is quite easy to answer and hard at the same time.  People seek movie reviews so they don't have to form their own opinion. But it also goes deeper.

"Ehh, I looked it up. Bad reviews. I'm not gonna bother," is something I've heard far too many times. Or better yet, "Well, it looked good but gosh it's getting bad reviews. Rotten Tomatoes gave it a 20%. I'm not wasting my money on that".

Since when are we complacent to listen to other people's choices, feelings, and convictions? These days, it seems that to have an "opinion" one must  search the internet, television, and magazines just to get an idea of what's worth the effort or time. People are decided if they like something well before they ever see, read, or try it. It's sad that these are the ways of our world. Or rather, these are the ways of our society. I hate to sound hipsterish (yeah...I just coined that) but I would love to live some place in Europe where art, your true beliefs, and a love of life are all that guide you.