Damn those that make you feel belittled.
Damn the ones that stand on your shoulders and call themselves tall.
Damn the liars and the cheaters and the cut-in-line sneekers.
Damn them all.
I will feel tall today.
I will stand with my shoulders held back, head raised high with my eyes on the stars because I am me and that's a damn good thing to be.
I will tell you that you are small because you are.
I will let you know that I am no dork, no loser, no down-and-outer.
I am graceful, divine, resplendent, sublime, exquisite, and radiant.
And that's on an off day.
You feel as though you're powerful. You feel as though you're cool.
Well let me tell you, you little boy.
You are nothing more than the lies you build upon yourself.
You are the failures of your life.
You are the disappointment of your family.
You are the lead balloon trying to float.
Go ahead and make me seem small. Because in the end I am a mountain cresting amongst the heavens and you are but a valley collecting mud for the swine to bathe in.
Oh and whatever you do, don't ever piss off a writer.
Oh and whatever you do, don't ever piss off a writer.