Sunday, June 26, 2011

I am exploding
Every piece of me is on edge ready to take flight
With my arms held wide I let the skin of my face up to the sky
It leaves me for the great beyond

My hands lower to the cool, damp earth
They sink away into the soil

My eyes spot the  forest off in the distance
They leap from their home in search of fairy tale adventures

My feet find purchase on the gravel of a nearby road
They run...forever

My hips stumble upon the soft, soft sands of the beach
With sea spray misting all, they shake to the beat of the earth

All but one piece have gone, left for greater things
My heart, at first reluctant, floats to another
It will be safe there, protected

I am at home now.

I'm Back!

I'm home. I'm at my old job. I'm settled in. Life is back to the way it was pre-New York. I hate that feeling. It's easy to just forget that whole year even happened. But it did and I will never let myself forget about it. Other than that, life is pretty normal right now. My life consists of Atlanta Bread, friends, family, and Atlanta Bread. That's okay for right now but I will happily admit that I'm quite ready to move to Orlando and begin my new college life.

In other news I'm considering starting a foodie blog. Specifically baking (duhh). I want my brother to do it with me and do the cooking side of it because he's actually a decent, self-taught cook. He's not so into that but maybe with some prodding I can get him to post a few times. I am hesitant to start this, though, because (as silly as this sounds) a blog is a responsibility to me. I love my blog. I'm proud of it. I try to post things semi-regularly and only about things that I truly care about. It's been quite a bit of work to not just quit. With that being said, starting another blog would be the same. I'm worried I simply won't have the time to make it perfect (or damn near, at the very least). Pair all that with the fact that I'm trying to start making videos with my long distance friend, Nicole, and you have one busy Kay!

I'll probably make it, just to see how cute it'll look and then we'll see if I actually post it.

Monday, June 13, 2011

I haven't forgotten about my blog! Well, that's partially a lie. In the midst of moving and starting my job again I'm just going to need a little while to get back into the swing of things. Promise!